The last days have been extremely difficult to think of this sport.
When events in the news, which, like the fragile life can be tragic and the last thing on your mind is whether Dwight Howard will remember to sign an extension. And even though I am well aware that the purpose is not based on a sports site on the tragedies that occur in modern times, titles dominated the news this past weekend are hard to ignore.
Life in perspective when quickly spread the news of the tragic Colorado. Movies and sports to put in the background when the weight of a human life is at stake as a society, they were, how pop culture is reminiscent really of no importance, and the focus was on what really matters in people's lives.
The events that have taken over the weekend were a sad reminder that life is precious and fragile. He recalled that the little things in life are so important, but at the same time, are what makes life a lot. He recalled that even in the face of a terrible tragedy, it is still possible to enjoy the little things. And sport was one of those little things that we enjoy as a society.
The beauty of life is that nothing happens if you look a little too much of our favorite team. There is a place in all of us, where the sports field and gains and losses resonate in your soul like a breaking wave on the sand. The events that took place reminded me that wants to spend his life doing things you love. And one of the many things I like are sports.