Syracuse vs. Notre Dame football: Time to change the offensive philosophy? (Brent Axe Overview)

SU fans watch the final minutes. Syracuse University football team lost 31-15 at Notre Dame MetLife Stadium in New Jersey on the evening Saturday, September 27th, 2014 Stephen D. Cannell Elli |

"We're only in the second half and to assess what we do with the crime again."

The head football coach at Syracuse University Scott Scheffer these words to ESPN reporter Heather Cox in the first half of Syracuse 31-15 loss at Notre Dame on Saturday night at MetLife Stadium.

Scheffer was only spoken in the first half, but these words of felony philosophy could apply.

It was hard to ignore in the comments in the crowd at MetLife Stadium and others. Anger and emotional social interaction, sections on bar stools

In short, Syracuse football fans angry as hell about the crime George McDonald, and they will not take it.

That's the irony of the situation: Notre Dame clinic to exactly what you want to do with the crime Saturday McDonald.

Show dink, dunk and Notre Dame, including 25 locations in Everett Golson graduates, respectively, in the light shine on McDonald problem.

Remember that quote as well as I can.

"We will open the offense and going full bar soon., Besides Oregon, Texas A & M patterns of crimes."

McDonald told Sports Illustrated magazine back in February.

But here's the thing: You can use the same car and the Texas A & M, Oregon and even Notre Dame to build, but this is the engine that allows the car to proceed.

The Irish showed orange bubble screen, what can you do if you have the athletes around the corner, and the other half turn by throwing and blocking recipients outside of a wide range of building lanes to large storage tunnels close.

Syracuse defense before a national television audience, content chance after chance to create five turnovers - despite the language screen offers shisha death - Syracuse offense and did a little of this element.

Orange was third, compared with 15 in third place. Stop me if you've heard this (as last week, perhaps), but the cumulative sanction action. Terrell Hunt threw the interception on the first attempt of the third quarter, and the offense does not put up a third and fourth plays and -1 on the next possession.

Riley said Dixon was orange path of 42 meters will be affected.

I repeat: The Gambler was the leading rusher with 42 yards Syracuse.

McDonald's to decide. He is still the current group of players as they try to adjust to build the future of the model or the question whether the model fits to determine with the times.

Louisville expects Friday night in the Carrier Dome, and Syracuse can beat that team if the defense can continue to convert create.

But the offense comes together, or McDonalds could take on the buttocks in the coming weeks. A little more heat

sunny side
"Football can be a fun sport. Though Golson in almost record show method efficiency, and the right to protection against Syracuse Orange in the game by creating sales and keeps the pressure on the quarterback rural Ireland.

Gloria Brandon Reddish (sports interception), Durell Eskridge (choice of six), Dyshawn Davis (11 offers) and Ritchy Desir (nine instructions) individual performance.

"Despite the general lack of efficiency, Terrell Hunt has shown that he can throw the deep ball minutes in some cases. Was offered to throw it away perfectly Brisly plans for 38 yards. Wore it 25 yards for Steve Ismail and some great benefits also thrown quickly Jarrod West.

There should be more of them are as Syracuse offense will succeed, but fish showed flashes that he could do. Against the Irish

Congratulations to fire come bursting out of the game with a leg injury, too.

Described as' Jarrod West to the role of No. 1 receiver Ashton Broyld take from the game and made ​​eight receptions for 108 yards.

Syracuse will need more of the following week with new Broyld West.

The Dark Side
"If you told me before the game that create Syracuse football five convert, and I bet every time you win a game.

All in one.

Instead, five turnovers against Notre Dame SU gets the same category for 589 yards offense piled up in Syracuse, Maryland, September 20 losing "numbers can be very difficult and lie."

"If you do not see much of the season, Riley Dixon and Syracuse play special teams will be a full-blown crisis.

Cole Murphy took on the role for a sharp picture, Ryan Norton and took the same degree of uncertainty in the air for 39 yards in the first quarter, but doink 37 yards in the fourth quarter.

Murphy was also blocked extra points.

"While helping strengthen the upper rotary procession, his teammates reduce the frequency Julian Whigham" screw, and I'm just going to rob this man "defense receptor Ireland?


"What trouble to officers at the end of the first half when the complaint was taken in early autumn and Syracuse. Built Golson climbing and chose Syracuse Julian Whigham and hit the ball back to the landing.

Syracuse got the ball after a long discussion, but should be a defensive touchdown when common sense prevail offer.