Donald Sterling paralizantes Clippers Once Again

For nearly four decades, the Clippers have lived, however, would not, because he had lived under the giant shadow cast by the Lakers. The only team that has remained constant over the years is remarkably affordable owner Donald Sterling. It was held in Elgin Baylor as general manager for so long because it was affordable. The Clippers are considering lottery wheels before every season, he also began his owners never to grow for the team, each player with a talent to run at the end of his rookie contract.
In 2005 - '06, the Clippers put a team of experienced players and they made ??it into the second round of the playoffs, which could carry out his other tenants do not reach this year. They took the Phoenix Suns to seven games in the Western Conference semifinals, and it seemed that the Lakers are ready, her image was going on loser. But left after the next season, Elton Brand, the team signed Baron Davis and the camp out of shape and motivation. The Clippers have a long awaited step back to mediocrity.

In the NBA Draft Lottery in 2009 the Clippers won the first choice in the draft for the first time since 1999, as in the selection of Michael Olowakandi (used in place of Paul Pierce, Dirk Nowitzki, Vince Carter, Jason Williams, Mike Bibby). This time it was a breeze. Blake Griffin was the price.

But then he came. Its potential was in full screen mode on next season and the All-Star team as a rookie, had 20 points and 10 rebounds and 3 assists + + to become one of the most complete large League are. Then the Clippers for point guard Chris Paul managed to add all the stars before this season, Caron Butler, Chauncey Billups, Nick Young, Kenyon Martin - and the Lakers have shown they have something in the works.

After a successful incursion into the second round of the playoffs, the Clippers have selected the option to choose the coach Vinny Del Black, the team, well, because it was a cheap option. Let GM Neil Olshey, the architect of this team to go to Portland. Today, five free agents and general managers must follow. Are we destined to the lame, the Clippers, Donald, to see again? If he managed to Blake Griffin and Chris Paul to keep the long term? If this franchise to destroy, if the temptation is so great?

Please, Donald. No.

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