WWE accepted Roman rule operational emergency physicians Specifications "

WWE star will miss covenants Romania Sunday match with champion Seth Rollins made ​​after emergency surgery for a hernia repair in custody on Saturday in Nashville. In an interview with WWE covenants stated that he suddenly felt a sharp pain in uniform and called 911 Nashville hospital, doctors determined covenants require emergency surgery.

WWE physician Dr. Chris Aman triumph compete with the hernia, to WWE.com but it had deteriorated to the point that nothing can be done to fight without surgery done.

"Nothing to do with damage and specified that place the ring. Romano an existing hernia for some time, and that is unfortunately less painful, which led him to the emergency room in Nashville and he had a hernia can be reduced, thereby repay big the abdominal cavity and, therefore, must perform a hernia unexpected open the bag and to try to push it into the abdominal cavity back. "

The doctor also said that it was probably at least 4-6 weeks covenants, and this means he will miss in a cell pay per view too. Hell october october

 "Most of the time, and recovery time for something like this in terms of return on physical activity between four and six weeks, if the hernia is very noticeable, so it was probably closer to six weeks."